如何计算狗粮的数量? 查看提示!

如何计算狗粮的数量? 查看提示!
Wesley Wilkerson


即使那些已经把狗当作宠物的人在喂养时也会有疑虑。 一般来说,重要的是要知道,正确的食物量因体型和年龄而异。




要想知道平均食物量,只需根据狗的体重进行计算。 但要注意:这些数值对应的是成年动物,因为幼犬有另一种食物。


迷你幼犬的最大体重为4公斤,对于这种体型,食物的分量不能超过100克。 对于那些真正的轻量级,平均1公斤的幼犬,分量应该是50克左右。


小型犬的体重在4公斤至8公斤之间。 这些动物作为成年人,应至少吃95克,最多155克。

See_also: 淡水鱼:巴西鱼、大鱼、小鱼及其他


在这里,幼犬的体重可以达到20公斤。 提供的食物量在160到320克之间就足够了。 记住,它越重,宠物消耗的部分就应该越大。


体重超过20公斤的动物已经被认为是大型动物。 对它们来说,推荐的最低食物是320克,而最高通常是530克。


需要考虑的一个重要问题是动物的寿命。 小狗需要每天喂食更多的次数和更多的数量。 随着它们年龄的增长,份量会变少。


在出生后的一个半月之前,狗狗基本上以母亲的乳汁为食。 之后,主人可以在一天中加入食物。 对于迷你型的狗狗,理想的分量是不超过130克。 对于体型较小的狗狗,建议在80到150克之间。



微型和小型犬在6个月后被认为是成年人。 因此,根据它们的体重所指示的食物量是有效的。

6到9个月大的中型宠物应该吃230到450克。 最后,处于这个阶段的大型幼犬可以吃最少500克,最多750克。


除了食物量的变化,成年犬每天进食的次数也应比幼犬少。 对于大多数品种和体型的幼犬来说,在出生9个月后就已经是成年人了,根据其体重,每天有两顿饭。

See_also: 认识缅甸猫:价格、特点和更多信息

另一个需要考虑的变量是动物消耗多少能量。 它在一天中的活动越多,它应该吃的饲料就越多。


一般来说,当狗达到10岁时,它就进入了老年阶段。 然而,由于较重的狗的新陈代谢较慢,老年阶段通常会提前开始。

这些动物在喂养方面需要加倍的照顾,特别是当它们出现进食困难的时候。 老年狗的饲料量减少,因为它们花费的能量较少。


为了让你的宠物健康成长,知道如何以正确的方式喂养它是至关重要的。 除了你在本文中学到的提示外,一定要向兽医咨询,以消除你在这个问题上的所有疑虑。 毕竟,每只动物都是独一无二的,需要独家关注。

有了充足和均衡的食物,你的狗就会精力充沛,并尽可能长时间地保持高质量的生活。 因此,学会喂养它是每个主人在宠物的一生中都应该作为一项责任的任务。

Wesley Wilkerson
Wesley Wilkerson
Wesley Wilkerson is an accomplished writer and passionate animal lover, known for his insightful and engaging blog, Animal Guide. With a degree in Zoology and years spent working as a wildlife researcher, Wesley has a deep understanding of the natural world and a unique ability to connect with animals of all kinds. He has traveled extensively, immersing himself in different ecosystems and studying their diverse wildlife populations. Wesley's love for animals began at a young age when he would spend countless hours exploring the forests near his childhood home, observing and documenting the behavior of various species. This profound connection with nature fueled his curiosity and drive to protect and conserve vulnerable wildlife.As an accomplished writer, Wesley skillfully blends scientific knowledge with captivating storytelling in his blog. His articles offer a window into the captivating lives of animals, shedding light on their behavior, unique adaptations, and the challenges they face in our ever-changing world. Wesley's passion for animal advocacy is evident in his writing, as he regularly addresses important issues such as climate change, habitat destruction, and wildlife conservation.In addition to his writing, Wesley actively supports various animal welfare organizations and is involved in local community initiatives aimed at promoting coexistence between humansand wildlife. His deep respect for animals and their habitats is reflected in his commitment to promoting responsible wildlife tourism and educating others about the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance between humans and the natural world.Through his blog, Animal Guide, Wesley hopes to inspire others to appreciate the beauty and importance of Earth's diverse wildlife and to take action in protecting these precious creatures for future generations.