Maritaca: 查看该物种的重要信息

Maritaca: 查看该物种的重要信息
Wesley Wilkerson


马利塔卡或麦塔卡属于鹦鹉科,是非常聪明的鸟类,有发达的大脑。 它们被认为是鹦鹉和鹦鹉的 "表亲",与它们一样,有能力模仿各种类型的声音和一些词语。



此外,还有一系列关于Maritacas的好奇心和特殊性。 看看这些吧!


这些小鸟有一些有趣的特点。 它们以健谈和聪明而闻名全国,与其他鹦鹉类动物的不同之处在于其进食和繁殖习惯。 下面就来了解一下它们吧!


鹦鹉通常在8月至1月间繁殖。 在此期间,相当矜持的夫妇会远离群体,利用树上的巢或空洞来保护它们的蛋和未来的幼鸟。

雌鸟产3到5个蛋是很常见的,这些蛋将被孵化25天左右。 在这段时间里,这对夫妇整天都在守护着鸟巢。 雄鸟在白天检查周围的环境,以保护家庭免受天敌的攻击,并不断地与雌鸟轮流相处,以保证她的安全。

除了父母的照顾,值得一提的是,鹦鹉是属于一夫一妻制的鸟类,也就是说,它们经常终身保持同一个伴侣。 多么的爱,不是吗?


在自然界中,鹦鹉通常以成熟和甜美的水果为食,如木瓜、鳄梨、香蕉、芒果和番石榴。 此外,它们被认为是节俭的动物,因为它们也吃不那么甜的水果。

如果你在家里养了一只Maritaca,或者打算养一只,以合法的方式并通过IBAMA的认证,有一些关于喂养的规格。 当动物是小狗的时候,提供给它的食物应该有婴儿食品的口感。 为此,我们建议使用月桂叶酱,这在宠物店可以找到。



根据常识,"maritaca "一词指的是属于鹦鹉科的几种鸟类。 虽然这个流行的名字很普遍,但根据物种的不同,这些鸟类有很大的区别。 下面认识一些主要的maritacas:


马拉卡纳鹦鹉(Psittacara leucophthalmus)有一个非常有特点的表型:它的皮毛主要是绿色的,头部和颈部的两侧是红色的。 此外,它的头部是椭圆形的,虹膜是橙色的。

虽然它是一种嘈杂的鸟,但它在树间活动时很谨慎,除了繁殖期,一般都是成群结队地睡觉。 它栖息在潮湿和半潮湿的森林、沼泽和画廊林中。 它在城市地区也很常见。


See_also: 马利诺比利时牧羊犬的价格? 请看如何购买和费用!


金色鹦鹉(Brotogeris tirica)也被称为绿色鹦鹉,是栖息在大西洋森林中的一种特有物种。

它的基本颜色是绿色,头部两侧、胸部和腹部是黄绿色,颈背是蓝绿色,翅膀的底部是褐色,最后喙是褐色,上面的色调较浅。 围绕着这个物种有许多颜色


See_also: 梦见鲸鱼是什么意思? 游泳、跳跃、死亡等等


美丽而富有异国情调的绿色或棕褐色麦塔卡(Pionus maximiliani)以头部有灰色和蓝色色调、颈部有紫色条纹、黄色喙、绿色翅膀和红色尾巴而闻名。

在巴西,它们被发现在cerrado、caatinga和东北部。 在其他拉丁美洲国家,它们被发现在玻利维亚、巴拉圭和阿根廷北部。





因此,请永远记住,如果你要购买Maritaca,请研究那些被IBAMA认可的商店和饲养者。 在他们那里,鸟类已经在人工饲养中,往往更容易适应国内的环境。 这样,你就不会伤害巴西的生态系统,也不会犯任何环境罪!!

Wesley Wilkerson
Wesley Wilkerson
Wesley Wilkerson is an accomplished writer and passionate animal lover, known for his insightful and engaging blog, Animal Guide. With a degree in Zoology and years spent working as a wildlife researcher, Wesley has a deep understanding of the natural world and a unique ability to connect with animals of all kinds. He has traveled extensively, immersing himself in different ecosystems and studying their diverse wildlife populations. Wesley's love for animals began at a young age when he would spend countless hours exploring the forests near his childhood home, observing and documenting the behavior of various species. This profound connection with nature fueled his curiosity and drive to protect and conserve vulnerable wildlife.As an accomplished writer, Wesley skillfully blends scientific knowledge with captivating storytelling in his blog. His articles offer a window into the captivating lives of animals, shedding light on their behavior, unique adaptations, and the challenges they face in our ever-changing world. Wesley's passion for animal advocacy is evident in his writing, as he regularly addresses important issues such as climate change, habitat destruction, and wildlife conservation.In addition to his writing, Wesley actively supports various animal welfare organizations and is involved in local community initiatives aimed at promoting coexistence between humansand wildlife. His deep respect for animals and their habitats is reflected in his commitment to promoting responsible wildlife tourism and educating others about the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance between humans and the natural world.Through his blog, Animal Guide, Wesley hopes to inspire others to appreciate the beauty and importance of Earth's diverse wildlife and to take action in protecting these precious creatures for future generations.