约克夏微型:这个品种是否存在? 这里有重要的信息!

约克夏微型:这个品种是否存在? 这里有重要的信息!
Wesley Wilkerson

Yorkshire micro: 这个品种存在吗?

约克夏梗是一种源自英国的狗。 该犬种的被毛为黑金、黑褐、钢蓝和金或钢蓝和褐。 它也是一种精力充沛的犬种,喜欢玩耍,非常温顺。 虽然它是一种小型犬,但它们意志坚定、勇敢、善于调查。

由于约克夏犬有许多积极的特点,它作为宠物受到人们的追捧。 然而,有些犬舍出售的是微型和迷你版,即体重低于1.8公斤的幼犬,低于该犬种幼犬的理想体重。

有关该品种的重要信息 约克夏梗微型或小型



约克夏微型犬和迷你犬并不存在!事实上,存在的是为了获得更小的狗而进行的不健康的杂交所产生的品种。 此外,杂交会损害动物的健康,它们会产生肌肉和骨科问题,因为骨骼非常脆弱。

它们是早产狗,体重低于既定的标准体重,从1.8公斤到3.2公斤。 它们可能出现的另一个问题是部分或全部牙齿脱落,肾脏问题和消化困难。

See_also: 可爱的小毛狗:认识20种最可爱的狗品种


微型版在市场上的售价在一千到一万元之间!但是,你一定要小心!你不应该购买这种品种,因为这是一种不诚实的购买行为。 微型和迷你版的狗过早地出现,健康状况非常差,例如,它们从沙发上摔下来时甚至会骨折。 此外,微型和迷你版的约克夏的寿命非常短。



寻找有关购买幼犬的犬舍的信息是非常重要的,因为很多地方的幼犬饲养条件很差。 此外,秘密犬舍可能会促进约克夏犬种的非理想杂交,以获得迷你或微型版本,这对动物的健康非常有害。




约克夏梗的价格从800.00美元到4000.00美元不等。 这些价值是根据动物的性别、血统和原产地犬舍确定的。 带有血统、证明动物品种的文件、进口疫苗、微芯片、驱虫和所有文件的小狗的价值为1700至2500美元--雄性小狗的价格,约克夏小狗的价格为2300至3000美元。女性。


只有一种约克夏被认为是正式的:约克夏梗。 但是,还有其他类型的约克夏,即颜色和斑纹偏离棕色的狗。 例如,设计师约克夏,是约克夏梗与吉娃娃等品种混合的结果。



约克夏梗品种的狗狗体重在2.3至3.5公斤之间,身高在22至24厘米之间。 体重低于1.8公斤的狗狗不属于正式品种,可能是不健康的杂交产生的小狗。

See_also: 杰布提吃什么? 水果、蔬菜和喂养技巧



正如所见,微型或迷你约克夏的饲养条件不适合小狗,这使得它的健康非常脆弱,寿命非常短。 因此,建议避免购买这种动物,因为它们会受到生命威胁。


Wesley Wilkerson
Wesley Wilkerson
Wesley Wilkerson is an accomplished writer and passionate animal lover, known for his insightful and engaging blog, Animal Guide. With a degree in Zoology and years spent working as a wildlife researcher, Wesley has a deep understanding of the natural world and a unique ability to connect with animals of all kinds. He has traveled extensively, immersing himself in different ecosystems and studying their diverse wildlife populations. Wesley's love for animals began at a young age when he would spend countless hours exploring the forests near his childhood home, observing and documenting the behavior of various species. This profound connection with nature fueled his curiosity and drive to protect and conserve vulnerable wildlife.As an accomplished writer, Wesley skillfully blends scientific knowledge with captivating storytelling in his blog. His articles offer a window into the captivating lives of animals, shedding light on their behavior, unique adaptations, and the challenges they face in our ever-changing world. Wesley's passion for animal advocacy is evident in his writing, as he regularly addresses important issues such as climate change, habitat destruction, and wildlife conservation.In addition to his writing, Wesley actively supports various animal welfare organizations and is involved in local community initiatives aimed at promoting coexistence between humansand wildlife. His deep respect for animals and their habitats is reflected in his commitment to promoting responsible wildlife tourism and educating others about the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance between humans and the natural world.Through his blog, Animal Guide, Wesley hopes to inspire others to appreciate the beauty and importance of Earth's diverse wildlife and to take action in protecting these precious creatures for future generations.